Putting the FUN in FUNdraiser!

Salmon Jam Committee members spread the good news of Salmon Jam dressed up as “Copper River Queens”!
It’s all for a good cause!
Did you know that the Salmon Jam music festival is a major FUNdraising event that supports year-round cultural activities in Cordova? Your admission fee, food and beverage sales, memberships, and donations all go toward bringing great art and lively performances to Cordova as well as college scholarships for local graduates and summer art camp scholarships for teens.
Past Salmon Jam proceeds have helped cover the expenses to bring into Cordova professional performance artists and musicians such as:
- Grammy-winning La Santa Cecilia from Mexico
- The Wardens from Canada
- The Quebe Sisters from Texas
- Socks in the Frying Pan from Ireland
- Vusi Mahlasela from South Africa
- BodyVox Dance and Acrobatic Performance Group, and many others…
In a town that can only be reached by plane or boat, that is really something! Cordova Arts and Pageants, your all-volunteer arts council thanks you for the part you play in helping bring culture to our remote Alaska community.
But that’s not all!
Not only do these cultural activities entertain the community, but they also offer priceless educational opportunities for local youth. Every visiting artist also provides free performances and teaching sessions during the school day for Cordova students.
The Copper River Salmon Jam also helps nurture local talent by providing a stage opportunity for beginning musicians to perform and booths where artists and makers can display, sell and market their handcrafts.
The festival’s Small Fry kids’ activities give local and visiting families an opportunity for hands-on learning and expression. As a Salmon Jam supporter, you help us offer this part of the event for FREE to everyone.
There is FUN for everyone at the Copper River Salmon Jam! Come dance the night away to FUNtastic live music, peruse FUNomenal artists’ booths, learn FUN fish facts at Small Fry, satisfy your FUNatic appetite at the snack shack and enjoy a FUNky beer garden beverage! The FUNtabulous partners who bring your Copper River Salmon are thrilled to welcome you to come celebrate art and salmon, what sustains us all!
Lauren Bien is the Salmon Jam coordinator for Cordova Arts & Pageants, the all-volunteer non-profit arts council of Cordova.