Calling all artists!!
Do you want to see everyone in Cordova wearing YOUR art? Copper River Salmon Jam invites you to submit your t-shirt design ideas, not only for the fame of it, but the winning design will receive a $250 cash prize, a weekend pass, and complementary logo gear!
Submission deadline is April 15th
Copper River Salmon Jam T-Shirt Design Contest Guidelines
Copper River Salmon Jam is an annual 2-day summer event coordinated by a wide range of community partners. This event celebrates salmon and promotes the health and sustainability of local salmon through art, music, road races, delicious salmon dishes, and educational activities. Weekend events include the Alaska Salmon Runs, Taste of Cordova cook-off, Salmon Jam Music Festival, Small Fry Educational Activities, an artisan craft fair, and the main event, the Salmon Jam Music Festival. Proceeds from the Music Festival portion support year-round concerts, performances, and art education activities in Cordova.
Award Criteria
- One design will be selected for the 2025 Salmon Jam festival products; including but not limited to t-shirts, hoodies, and stickers.
- The artist may paint, draw, or use graphic design software to create the design.
- The artwork must be submitted in a high-resolution digital format.
- The artwork should be able to be printed in color or as only an outline.
- The design must fall within the following dimensions:
o No smaller than 8.5” tall x 8.5” wide
o No larger than 12.5” tall x 12.5” wide
Additional Considerations:
Submissions with an additional, smaller design element that compliments the initial design are encouraged, but not required. The extra design may be placed on garments to enhance the overall aesthetic.
Artists may submit more than one design, but we will only select one design for 2025 festival products.
The Salmon Jam Planning Committee may opt to negotiate a second contract with more than one Artist to use their artwork the following year if there are multiple highly competitive designs.
Contract Negotiations:
After the winning design has been selected the Salmon Jam Planning Committee will negotiate a contract with the Artist detailing the usage rights of the art.
Upon completion of the winning design, including all revisions, the Artist will receive a payment of $250.
“Copper River Salmon Jam” and “Salmon Jam” are both trademarked, and may not be used without written permission from the Salmon Jam Planning Committee. (Completely dependent on if we get this in or not)
Artists whose submissions are not selected may not sell their designs with the Copper River Salmon Jam trademark at any time.
Contest submissions are due by April 15, 2025.
Contest submissions should be sent to:
Kim Casavan
Copper River Salmon Jam
c/o CRWP
P.O. Box 1560 Cordova, AK 99574
Email: operations@copperriver.org