All about the

Copper River Salmon Jam!

Salmon Jam is an annual cultural event that benefits the residents and visitors of Cordova and helps to make our community a place where people want to live year-round. Sustainable Alaskan fisheries, salmon ecology, and the importance of salmon to local economies are shared with festival-goers through hands-on activities, booths, displays, and is at the heart of the entire event. Not only do patrons enjoy the activities and guest musicians during Salmon Festival weekend, but Salmon Jam Music Festival is the annual fundraiser for Cordova Arts Council and proceeds from Salmon Jam help support year-round cultural and education activities in Cordova.  These cultural activities make art available to our isolated community and educate Cordova youth, with artists offering special performances during the school day for all students.

A core of community partners meet year-round to plan and organize this event, which celebrates the wild Alaska salmon that are key to the diverse lifestyles of the Copper River region. Then, for two days a year (Friday & Saturday, July 18-19, 2025) an army of volunteers come together to make it happen!

Copper River Salmon Jam would not happen without the staff and resources of Copper River Watershed Project. Community partners like Prince William Sound Science Center, United States Forest Service, and Native Village of Eyak provide staff and materials to educate children and adults about the importance of salmon, their habitat, and our role as caretakers and consumers. Cordova District Fishermen United hosts an annual fillet demonstration, working with local processors to showcase the skills and speed of local fillet masters! Almost the entire event takes place at Mt. Eyak Ski Area, a beautiful multi-use property owned by the City of Cordova with seasonal operations provided by the non-profit Sheridan Alpine Association.

By contributing to this event (whether you are a “spawnsor“, volunteer, or patron), you will help to increase awareness about Copper River Salmon and make Cordova a more vibrant place with year-round art and cultural activities!  

Thanks for your interest!  Visit our facebook page and help us spread the good news of Salmon & Art!

Festival Partners

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